Project 52

52 Wednesdays :: Ruffles

February 22, 2012

I’m Marla
Sprinkled throughout this journey are the little joys, moments of inspiration, and snippets of life that add color to our human experience. Join me as we embrace the beauty of imperfect perfection, the magic of a beautiful moment, and the endless possibilities of creativity.

Week 7.


*insert chirping crickets*

At first this week was a real challenge for me.  Eva (my daughter) and I aren’t easily characterize by typical female things.  We are feminine in our appearance and mannerisms, but any sort of stereotypical femininity starts to become quite grey from there.  She’s not a ruffle sort of girl.  I however, have a few tastefully ruffled items that are more architectural than frilly.  I have a soft heart for an elegantly taylored blouse–they usually pair well with red lipstick.
So this is where my saving grace came in.  I had it in mind to create a macro shot of a ruffle, where it would be less discernible.  This is very me.
It seems the group of women who join me in this weekly endeavor, aren’t very ruffled either so it will be interesting to see what everyone else has come up with.  I actually saw a sneak peak of an east-coaster who created the most amazing lizard shots ever (hi Traca! love your post this week).  You’ll have to keep circling through to see them. =)
Christine O’Connell, a wedding and portrait photographer of A Million Sighs Photography in Orlando, Florida is next.  See her post here:
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  1. Kate says:

    Fantastic! Love your take on the challenge theme!

  2. Karen says:

    Beautiful macro Marla! The lighting and shadows are perfect. Love it.

  3. Amy says:

    this is exquisite. the dark and sexy side of ruffles 🙂 it’s amazing how the abstract sometimes does it best. beautiful marla.

  4. simply gorgeous!!! and I agree with amy it is sexy too! 🙂

  5. What a great take on the theme. Great texture and tone to this!

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