
What Home Looks Like

March 29, 2013

Iā€™m Marla
Sprinkled throughout this journey are the little joys, moments of inspiration, and snippets of life that add color to our human experience. Join me as we embrace the beauty of imperfect perfection, the magic of a beautiful moment, and the endless possibilities of creativity.

A complete hodge-podge of pictures this month, but this is what home looks like through film and digital in many various and completely random ways.



Next is Christina Benge with Christina Benge Photography. You can find her post here:

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  1. so many different shades of b&w, textures and compositions. Picture of coffee mug and boots are some of my favorites. Very simple but so honest and real. And the last image just made my day.

  2. These are stunning pictures, art pieces!

  3. amy grace says:

    each one stands alone. the textures and compositions are soothing and lovely, and i love the quiet moments with your sweet daughter. what a perfect end, that last image. i would like that in a frame as an always reminder of all the color and hope that sometimes feel so far away…xo

  4. staci says:

    Beautiful! Love the first flower photos with the few yellow flowers. Needs to be on canvas! šŸ˜‰

  5. I missed seeing your work! I love your daughter hugging the cat and how the cat has obviously got his/her eye on something out the window! And those gorgeous yellow flowers! So happy to see some glimpses of your life again Marla!

  6. Laurie Schultz says:

    You have such a gift and always offer so much variety of perspectives, compositions in your images that is so eye catching. Oh how i long for your creative eye! Beautiful work marla!

  7. Toni Burks says:

    Such beautiful glimpses into home as it exists for you. Love the use of flowers in your foregrounds.

  8. Karen Porter says:

    I love how you captured your city, surroundings and home. Voodoo Doughnut sounds amazing to me – assuming they are serving doughtnuts! šŸ™‚ Your home seems to peaceful and calm to me the way you capture it so beautifully. I also love the pop of color with the flowers.

  9. Lindsey says:

    what a beautiful post, I adore all the images and the variety of subjects you captured. very well done.

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